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LINK TO VIDEO:  (Note, if video needs to be taken down, I will update link.)

SPOILER ALERT, this is a storyboard for the ENTIRE film. I'd recommend stopping at the half-way point if you wish to be surprised by the final film when it is released.

It's been a year since the start of the pre-production of 'Veronika Vedma and the Russian Chocolate Factory'.  It's been slow work in the background of my usual drawings and animations, but now the 'alpha version' of the film is ready to be shared.

The audio is a bit rough, with some lines needing to be re-recorded, and of course there's no sound effects or music, but I hope this gets the concept of the film across.

I'll be doing a livestream on YouTube tomorrow discussing the next stage of the project, but in not so many words, i'll be doing the animatic next in the early spring, after finishing some other animations for you guys in January, and sorting out any missing audio for the film.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the project so far. I hope to have more frequent updates for you all in 2024.




i really love all the creative turns you made with this project so far, it was an absolute delight to watch. honestly cant wait to see it in 2025 :skull: heres to hoping i don't die before then! xd


I had no idea you were making a 40 minute production out of it! The plot was excellent and you really turned it into something special and unique. I'd like to say more but I don't want to spoil anything. If you ever needed a second round of funding for it, I am there!