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Had an itch to draw some Twilight doodles. I'm surprised I never made this 'cow' joke before.

Seems she packed on a bunch of weight, and then lost it all! She's weightless now. How lucky.




More MLP content, we take these Ws


**A scroll arrives** "Dear Princess Celestia, Whoever translated the ancient Equestrian 'Weightlessness' spell as 'Weight Loss' should be banished to the moon. But before that, PLEASE HELP ME!! Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle." **A second scroll arrives soon after** "Also I'm still inflating, so yes, you were absolutely right about the effects of snacking while studying when I spend all of my time studying, and I really want to apologize in person for not taking it seriously so PLEEEEASE hurry!"


So cute I love seeing her as a balloon also fat Twilight ❤️