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I've been working on something big for the past few months, or rather, been chipping away at the foundation of a project for a year or more. I've been writing a script for a huge animated project I've wanted to do for a long time: A 20-30 minute long animated re-telling of a Wonka-esq factory story, with an all adult, all female cast.

The script is nearly done, (at least the first draft) and I plan on announcing and sorting out funding for this project by late August. Nothing crazy, no Kick-starter or anything, just a thing on Ko-fi.

With that said, as I sort out the first stages of the project, specifically, finishing the script and getting an announcement video done, content here may be a little thin. I'm still drawing and have stuff to post, but I have to buckle down and get this sorted out over the next two weeks.

After that, everything should be back to normal, and I'll be more than happy to share updates on this project, and other fun things I have planned.

Thank you for your patience! I hope to have more to share in a week or two.




Honestly, this project is what I've been waiting for from you. No complaints here, do what you gotta do

Nov Ocean

thats awesome! cant wait and thanks for the update

Xander Smith

Shut up and take my money!!!!!


Do what you gotta do. I'm just excited for it


Cool! It always excites me when my favourite artists work on some big project, like Tribal Hunter.


Looking forward to this


This sounds amazing.