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Hi everyone!

Just a little bit of progress to show off and talk about this week so let's get into it!

1: What's New?

This week was spent making some temporary art assets for the camp environment. 

First off I redrew and mildly tweaked the character designs for the perspective angle of the environment.

Which was fun to do!

Then I sketched out and created some temp environmental assets to use: (Characters not to scale with the environment.)

It should be enough to get started on the feature itself.

2: What's Next?

Next week will be the start of making the Camp level in Unity. Taking these temp assets and arranging them together to start prototyping the feature out in earnest.





1. thats looks nice :) 2. why do the 4 black pillars look like the pillars from Doc Ocs self made Sun from Spider-Man 2 ( 2004 9 ) ? XD

John Sludge

"Take this golden bullet vibe. It'll make you more powerful." "Okay...but why is it wet? Wait, did someone else already use th-" "An excellent purchase! I'll have more to hook up to you in good time..."


hihi nice mr.