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Hi everyone!

As most of you know The Roxy Animation Pack is out! I hope you've been enjoying it!

It was a solid 2-months of work to get it done with the last few weeks doing some overtime to get it over the line. So I've taken a few days off to cool down and relax.

A minor update for the pack: I added Herm-Version videos and screenshots as well for people who can't play the game. You can access those by re-downloading the pack.

A message to newcomers

Hi there! Thanks for joining and I hope you liked the Roxy Animation Pack!

At this point there's a lot of other animations and games to check out! You can access and download them at the content directory post! 

What's next?

I honestly need to give it a bit of thought. It might be worth spending a few weeks opening up the Bindmancer and doing some gameplay quality of life and bug fixing improvements. 

After that I need to think about what aspect of the game to work on next.

I was considering going back to review some prior animation packs but not sure at the moment. The next animation pack project will be started early next year. As I try to do 2-3 a year! :D

So I'll get back to it next week and start off with some bug fixing for Bindmancer!


- Caroo



John Sludge

Start thinking of yourself as a big-time developer and just make us grovel and buy horse armor :3


If you do open Bindmancer up, maybe you could consider adding a "submissive" side to the game?