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Hi everyone!

As you probably might of already noticed I wasn't able to hit my mid-week deadline for getting the animation pack out.

It's not due to a lack of trying. I'm just doing my very best to get an animation pack as polished as I can for you all! I think with these sorts of packs the deliver and its quality matters a lot.

The good news is that every component of the pack has been completed! What I have left to do is:

a) Some final animation and UI polish over 1-2 days.

b) Spend an 8-hour day preparing all the assets of the animation pack.

So I've got about 3 solid days of work left to do. So expect it out mid-week next week!

Until then. Here's two gif's showing all the polish in action:



John Sludge

The way all the electronics are just pulsing so organically...it's the best!!