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To Download for Windows OS = Click This Download Link 

Install instructions are at the bottom of this post.

For Linux Users: Experimental Linux Version at the Bottom of the Page


What's new in the Build?

July 14th:

  • This update adds a proper and dedicated loading screen, removing the instances of a few seconds of black-screen hang-time.

  • Lots of bug fixing for in-dungeon play.

  • All the UI screens now show off the mouse cursor. So if you don't want to use keyboard or find the navigation via keyboard confusing, the mouse option is fully available!

April 13th:

This update improves a number of aspects of the new Camp feature set. It includes:

  • UI navigation in general for the Camp features is more clear and clean. Mostly focused in the Outfitting screen.

  • The "Return to Camp" Key now has a unique graphic that's been placed in all relevant UI and Pickups.

  • Getting a game over will now only remove the resources collected from exploring that floor. Although you will lose any items spent on the floor you previously had.

  • Returning to Camp without a key will now only cost you 30% of your expedition recourses collected.

  • End of level screen now makes it more clear that the resources being collected are from that expedition into the tower.

  • Resources that make it to the Camp are now classed as "Stored" and safe from being deducted from any "returning to camp" penalties.

  • Fixed a bug where a level tile was spawning that locked you out of accessing it.

This update also includes Materials being able to be found in treasure chests. There's about a 1/3 chance of a chest containing materials instead of treasure.

March 30th:

This massive update contains a number of large game-flow and gameplay changes revolving around the introduction of a home base Camp Feature:

The Camp feature can be accessed between exploring the Tower floors and you can use the camp to buy items and upgrade your skills and even the camp itself.

Feature list includes:

A home base camp where you can:

  • View the gallery

  • Purchase Items

  • Upgrade the Bindmancers Clothing

  • Upgrade the Camp.

  • Recover your willpower back to full.

In addition to the camp, each level now has a end of level stats screen where performance for the player is displayed before they choose what to do next.

The resources called materials and essence has also been added to the game. Collect these to spend them at the Camp.

The EXP and level-up system has been replaced, as upgrading the Bindmancer is now more focused around collecting essence around the dungeon.

Also: A more clear notice has been placed on the title screen to give players the option to erase their save data if the demo mode doesn't unlock.

Artwork for the Camp is currently placeholder and very temporary. So please bear with the art quality as better assets are commissioned and worked on.

Game Difficulty:

While the enemies in the game haven't gotten more difficult it should be known as getting potions to replenish health back (Willpower) are now very, very rare. And damage persists between floors.

Purchase potions at the item shop and use the number 1-3 keys to replenish your Willpower when low.

Prior Updates:

January 5th:

  • Remade the tile generation logic when the level creates a randomized dungeon layout. Levels should now have more tile variety to them.

  • Added 10 new tiles to the tile library. Making for a total of 40 tiles.

December 22nd:

This update contains a reworking of all the UI screens to make them all keyboard (And maybe gamepad) friendly.

All UI screens should now be navigable with only the keyboard.

(Note: However, if you do click off a button with the mouse while the mouse is visible then you'll need to click a button to get back onto using keyboard controls)

In addition there's some UI improvements as well, most to do with interacting with objects in the game and declaring what you need to press to interact.

September 22nd:

This update addresses a number of bug fixes and small quality of live improvements including:

  • Adding more animated expressions to the boss monster to be more reactive to hitting the player and getting hit.

  • Tweaked boss animations.

  • A new button in the options menu that will return the player to the title screen. Progress will not be saved if you're in the middle of a level.

  • A new button prompt on the game over screen that will remove the UI and let you enjoy the animation full screen.

  • Various bug fixes for gameplay.

  • Prisoners that need to exchange a cultist should no longer be bugged to not be freeable once requirements are met.

  • If the level exit can't be spawned in the main dungeon area, an exit teleport key will spawn near the level start which will allow the player access to the exit teleporter once they've completed the level objective.


To Download for Windows OS = Click This Download Link 


Requirements & How to Install:

  • Playable on a PC using a Windows OS.

  • The game will boot up full screen and set to your monitors native resolution.

  • You can now change the resolution in the options menu to an adjustable windowed mode where you can set it to your preference.

To Install it:

  • Download the zip file

  • You MUST unzip all the contents of the zipfile to any folder. The game cannot run from inside the zipped file.

  • Windows can unzip it by itself. You don't need to download any third party software like WINRAR.

  • You can run the demo by entering the unzipped folder and double clicking on the file named: The Bindmancer

Common Install Issues:

  • Delete all prior files from previous versions / public demo if you're installing to the same folder location.

  • If you don't unzip the contents of the folder, you can't play the game.

  • If the game opens and then closes without a screen showing, that's typically a graphic driver issue, update your graphics cards drivers and restart your pc.

  • Unity games don't like being placed in folders deeply nested in multiple folders. This is due to long file directory names messing with Unity. 3 to 5 folders deep is fine. More and it gets wonky.

  • If controls don't respond = It's probably a controller you have plugged into or connected to your computer. Remove it to use Keyboard controls.

Game Projects: Playing from Demo to Supporter Version FAQ:

  • Issue : You purchased and downloaded the supporter version on Patreon / Subscribe Star and it says you still have the demo version when you play it:

  • Fix 1: If using Windows. Go to your main hard drive and find the folder "Users". From there: (Users->You->AppData->LocalLow->Kangaroo Games) and then delete the bindmancer folder. (The demo's windows user save data has caused the issue.)

  • Fix 2: Don't install the full version in top of the demo version in the same folder.

Issue: I can't download from MEGA if I use the Opera Browser:

  • Opera users have to use the Opera intern VPN function


Key Info for Linux Users:

Download the Linux version from this link 

You'll need to add an executable permissions to the file The "Linux_The_Bindmancer_2024_06_14.x86_64" to get it to run. The following commands should do the trick:

cd /path/to/the/extracted/files






Problem solved, Opera users have to use the Opera intern VPN function


That's great to hear. I'm sorry to hear about that problem. I'll add it to the FAQs.


I found an pretty hilarious bug if you get grabbed by two enemies at once. Here its with an grabber slime and chest, also think it work with golems, you get duplicated so an magic tricks involving rabbits. https://i.imgur.com/LPn04iS.jpg You break free but the other version is still trapped and take damage. https://i.imgur.com/GlrZB6c.jpg Once you broken free again you copy goes away.