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Hi Everyone!

Steady work continues this week on developing the level-up and character progression systems. 

Lets get into it!

1: What's New?

So the lions share of work done this week was on developing the skills and the skills screen UI.

A few things in development about the UI screen: Each skills progress is represented by some pips above the skill name that will show how many times it can be upgraded.

And when you put your mouse over the button a description will show what leveling up that skill will do.

The "Get Stronger" Button is the button you hold down to commit a skill point to that skill. 

What's missing from the UI is the visual component in the middle. I Have some really fun ideas on how I'm gonna translate "Leveling up" each skill with a minor animation in the middle.

In addition to that UI work, I also made a "Level Up!" Pop-up that occurs when you reach enough EXP to level-up.

Skills I currently have designed include:

Haste: Increase Movement and Attack Speed

Fury Increase: Damage Per Attack

Righteousness: Number of Cultists you can capture at one time

Willpower: Player Health

Fortune: Find more treasure per enemy and chest interacted with

Defiance: Makes escaping bondage easier

What you may find when the next build is released is that much of the current stats you play with now will be nerfed to allow for player progression to feel meaningful. So starting off with less health then you do now for example.

2: What's Next?

Next week's focus is gonna be both getting started on some dedicated art for the Skills UI screen as well as play-testing for the feature as a whole. There's tons to do to get this suite of new systems to a deliverable point. But progress is steady at the moment!


- Caroo
