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Hi everyone!

It's a short weekly roundup this week. A lot of work got done in the art-grind department, but all that work really just equates into some screen-grabs for now. At least until it's animated!

A new playable build will be delivered next Friday on the 22nd! Which will include the final art assets and animations currently missing for the new prisoner type!

1: What's New

So the focus over this week was purely in making the dungeon-based artwork for the Pillar and Door Mounted Prisoner.

In previous weeks you've seen me create and refine the Encounter art. That being the artwork you see when you enter into the interactive puzzle to free the prisoner, but the artwork for the prisoner in the dungeon itself needed to be made.

For this week I created the art assets and got them into Unity!

They're rigged up and ready to be animated and the features of the character in the dungeon will match the features of the character in the encounter.

Overall I think about 24 hours was spent over the week on these assets. Not a bad effort for the week!

Overall though I think the art assets have come out really well!

(Also, the eyes look that way because they're not animated yet and sprites are overlapping)

2: What's Next?

For the next week work will be a combination of working on getting animations done for the prisoner dungeon assets as well as preparations for a new public demo that will be released to itch.io on July 25th. 

As well as a fresh playable build for patrons on the 22nd!

Thank you all so much for your support! :D

- Caroo



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