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To Download for Windows OS = Click on this Download Link

For Linux Users: Experimental Linux Version at the Bottom of the Page


What's new in the build?

August 26th:

This update expands upon the August 19th Slime Enemy Update with many bug fixes and gameplay refinements.

These include:

  • Bug fixed many interactions with the slime monsters. Now the game shouldn't glitch out when you get captured by one on top of a tentacle trap tile.
  • Fixed the bug where you could hit enemies more then one tile away from them.
  • Fixed the bug where slimes could merge together even as one is dying.

Gameplay Polish:

  • Camera zooms now do a better job of focusing on the object in question like prisoners or captured cultists.
  • Tentacle traps how have a warning VFX before they attack
  • Pillar and door prisoner encounters now have some subtle lighting, making the art look a bit more nicer and dynamic.
  • Player Characters facial expression changes when the player struggles to escape the slime monster entrapment.
  • Item collect read-outs how have a subtle positional change which makes multiple coming up at once easier to read.

Persistent bugs to be addressed in the long term:

  • Enemies often move into eachother, the players space, and walls. This is a pathfinding bug that we're working to address over the next few months. When that's ready it'll be a big update to the entire pathfinding system.

August 19th:

NOTE: The name of the executable file has changed from "Kinky Dungeon Project" to "The Bindmancer" = Double click this upon unzipping the zip-file to start the game.

If the game isn't running correctly, delete the entire folder and copy the contents of the newest build into a fresh folder.

This update brings slime enemies to the game!

This 3rd type of enemy is a bit easier to deal with then cultists and golems. I've also spread them around the dungeon so you get a nice mix of interactions between the three enemy types now.

Smaller slimes are easily defeated and will drain willpower if they attack you. Bigger slimes can entrap you, but also give more rewards when defeated.

I'll let you experiment with the new slimes!

A few other tweaks made to the game include:

  • For new games the music sound should be set to play now.
  • Getting defeated by the enemy in the tutorial level should no longer lock up the game.
  • There's now a different graphic for the attack warnings on the ground based on if it's a stun or a willpower draining attack.

July 29th:

This week includes a number of bug fixes and visual changes:

  • Golems will now attack you once you're free of your bondage.
  • Lighting has been added to the game over screen.
  • The wall prisoner sprite has been edited a little to look better in dungeon mode.
  • Fixed up some dungeon walls sprites which had thin visual gaps.
  • Capturing logic for defeated cultists has been polished up so that once you have 3 cultists captured any more defeated cultists will just be rescued automatically. There's no change in player-choice, I've just removed an unneeded UI flow.
  • There shouldn't be any more transparent and untouchable lore shrines appearing in the dungeon.

July 22nd:

  • This build includes the finalized art and animations for the new wall and pillar prisoner asset.
  • In addition all prisoners have a more clear final "Free Prisoner" UI prompt that appears.
  • The tutorial section of the game can now be skipped.
  • The intro music and voice files have all been EQ'd for better clarity. Minor visual tweaks have been made to the intro.
  • Enemy navigation has been improved slightly but it's still not perfect.
  • Art on the level select screen got a slight improvement.

To Download for Windows OS = Click on this download link

Requirements & How to Install:

  • Playable on a PC using a Windows OS.
  • The game will boot up full screen and set to your monitors native resolution.
  • You can now change the resolution in the options menu to an adjustable windowed mode where you can set it to your preference.

To Install It:

  • Download the zip file
  • You MUST unzip all the contents of the zipfile to any folder. The game cannot run from inside the zipped file.
  • Windows can unzip it by itself. You don't need to download any third party software like WINRAR.
  • You can run the demo by entering the unzipped folder and double clicking on the file named: The Bindmancer

Common Install Issues:

  • Delete all prior files from previous versions / public demo if you're installing to the same folder location.
  • If you don't unzip the contents of the folder, you can't play the game.
  • If the game opens and then closes without a screen showing, that's typically a graphic driver issue, update your graphics cards drivers and restart your pc.
  • Unity games don't like being placed in folders deeply nested in multiple folders. This is due to long file directory names messing with Unity. 3 to 5 folders deep is fine. More and it gets wonky.
  • If controls don't respond = It's probably a controller you have plugged into or connected to your computer. Remove it to use Keyboard controls.

Key Info for Linux Users:

Download the Linux version from this link   

You'll need to add an executable permissions to the file 'Bindmancer_2022_06_29.x86_64' to get it to run. The following commands should do the trick:

cd /path/to/the/extracted/files

chmod 100 Bindmancer_2022_07_22.x86_64.x86_64





Love the new build! Especially the new prisoner type >:) Linux executable works great. Noticed a few bugs, but I don't think that any of them are specific to the Linux build (save for possibly a crash to black screen after finishing floor 5 - if you see that on Windows then ignore that). I'll write up a more detailed report (with screenshots) in a few days.

Ethan Tucker

do the tentacle traps still remove clothes or is that not implemented in this build yet?


They remove clothing once the players willpower reaches a lower point :)