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Hi everyone!

This week I've got some new stuff to show off that I think a lot of you will enjoy! So let's get right into it!

1: What's New?

Wall and Pillar Prisoner Type

So it's about time I got to work on some new content that could be considered kinky and erotic for the game. For now I've settled on a new type of prisoner to rescue.

At the same time I wanted to get a lot of potential gameplay utility out of it. So I've designed a prisoner bondage situation that works for both being bound in a pillar that can be placed anywhere, and an alternative situation where they're bound in a locked door.

The pillar prisoner will have the most utility. While the door prisoner can be used as a puzzle to make custom doors that unlocks a new and secret areas. There's some restrictions on it of course, Namely it really only works as a door that progresses northward. But I can design custom rooms to take advantage of it.

Of course like all prisoners before they'll be a male option:

And as for what else may be knew with these. I want to make freeing these prisoners an encounter style situation where you get a more direct view of the character.

Obviously the Twilight Sparkle Look-a-Like is temporary. 

Overall though what I'm proposing to make here is quite a lot of work in both art, code, and animation but I think you'll all enjoy the results! I'm estimating implementing this will take 3-4 weeks. So we'll see it in-game by the end of the month.

It's also the first time we get to see and free a prisoner that's having their feet played with. So that's fun!

Progress on Intro Cutscene Art.

More progress is being made. It's all looking quite lovely!

2: What's Next?

The next few weeks is focused on bringing this new prisoner type to life. First by doing the gameplay logic. Then the artwork and finally all the animation work.

Tons to do! But I think you'll love it!

Let me know what you think!

- Caroo



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