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Hi Everyone!

Hope you're all doing great. There's a fresh new build to play.  

Please give it a go and let me know what you think!

And with that let's get into what's in that build:

1: What's New?

So there's a lot that went in the past 3 weeks since the last playable build.

First off, I finally got a age disclaimer in the game. It's a small thing but needed. You'll only have to acknowledge this once on a fresh save. It won't appear every time.

The short and sweet tutorial level is now here as well! This tutorial is designed to teach the core concepts of the game and is played once on a fresh save before your taken to the level select screen.

This is made in anticipation of the mid-year promotional demo-release I'll be doing.

I also spent a good amount of time this week working on all sorts of visual refinements for the dungeon. In the examples below I made the "Correct Hit" for the crystals here a lot more clearer and their deactivation a lot shorter.

As well as a better communication of a successful hit on a lore pillar. 

Another change for the better is I've replaced the text that the prisoners where saying to both be more dynamic and more consistent. Prisoners are either moaning in pleasure, laughing in ticklish torment or moaning into their gags. Then they're dazed and bewildered once free of the towers spell.

The rest of this week was working on a number of bug fixes as well. All in an effort to make the gameplay experience of the game as fun as possible.

The game now also has the first beginnings of a persistent save. (Isolated to each build for now. But you can quit a game and open it back up and see your progress continued.)

As for other stuff going on. The hired artist continues to make progress on fleshing out the art of the intro cutscene and I'm in love with the bondage for each prisoner:

They're looking great!

2: What's Next?

There's one more week left for this month in terms of another possible update. So I'm gonna take a look around the game and see where I can add in some additional kinky content in a 1 week time-frame. I know it's been a little while since we've had any new kink content in the game as so much focus has been on the play experience lately.

I hope you enjoy the new build and please let me know what you think!


- Caroo




Will there be a male vers of the prisoners tied up in the intro scene?