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Hi everyone!

A bit of a short update for this week but I have some good progress to show on the intro tutorial level as well as more work started on the intro cutscene art.

The original plan was to get a build out this week however I haven't had the time to complete and playtest the tutorial level all the way through. The level is currently about 75% complete and there was a lot more custom scripting needed then originally thought. 

A new build should be ready for next week though!

1: What's New?

So the main work for this week was getting started on the tutorial level.

The purpose of this level will be to teach the core concepts of the game and to set up the first Hero that needs saving. 

The tutorial level will be linear, but it'll teach things such as movement. Interacting with objects and enemies, freeing prisoners and exiting a level.

Once this tutorial section is in I'll also get rid of the "Demo Controls" UI at the bottom left of the screen.

That wasn't all that done this week. Some extra work in documentation was needed to help kick off the writers to do their parts in writing the lore aspects. :)

The other thing of note for this week was that the artist commissioned to work on the intro cutscene slides has gotten started on them and their work is already turning out lovely.

Check some of the WIPS out:

2: What's Next?

So next week at a minimum will be getting the tutorial level completed as well as connecting it to the level select screen and getting it integrated into the flow of the game. 

I'd also like to address a few bugs like the death timing for the cultist. 

And that's it for this week! Thank you all for your support and I hope to get a new build in your hands soon!


- Caroo



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