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Hi Everyone!

I've got some work to show this week that while isn't too pretty to look at, it is focused on expanding the scope and playability of the game. 

So let's get into it!

1: What's New

This week was focused on making a dedicated level select screen. 

To make that happen a lot of back-end stuff needed to be done first. Mainly making almost every component in a standard dungeon level a "Prefab in Unity" so that editing the these prefabs would propagate to every level cleanly. That took about 1 1/2 days to do. 

Once that was done then a new scene containing the level select screen needed to be made which is what we see here:

It looks ugly right now but that's to focus on getting the functionality all in there. Namely being able to:

- Unlock levels as the previous level is completed.

- Select and navigate from level to level.

- Save and display key progression information such as the number of prisoners rescued and pieces of lore discovered in each level. (A feature not in there yet but coming soon.)

- Have an info screen that dynamically changes depending on the level selected. (At the moment just proven by the start level button changing the name of the floor.)

- Have a background that scrolls and moves along with the level select screen. (It's going to be the dungeon tower the heroine is exploring.)

- Link the title screen to the level select screen and link ending levels to return to the level select screen.

So in terms of the functionality of the level select it's about 80% done! Making it look nice is a bit more work. 

You can check out a gameplay video here!

2: What's Next

The end of next week is the due date for the next playable build and I'm not going to disappoint there.

The objective will be to polish up this level select screen as much as possible for you all. What this will result in is an experience where you can run through multiple levels and see your progress displayed on the level select screen.

For now the number of levels will be contained to three but all this week sets up future expansion when the concept of new wings of the dungeon are available to play. As well as making scenes for boss encounters and narrative encounters.

So there we go! I know it's a bit of a dry update but work is being made to bring you all a bigger and fun game. :D


- Caroo



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