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Hi Everyone!

Hope you've all had a great week! My first week back into the swing of making content bares new fruit. Lets get into what that is:

1: What's New

So last week I said I'd work on a animation pack to shake of the dust of being away for a few weeks. Originally that was going to be an animation that was planned to have 3-4 different states to it.

But I couldn't help myself. I went bigger.

So what we have now is a "Riveting Restriction" Animation Pack

All this week was spent working on making the art assets for the animation and I've gotten the art into Unity under its own project file:

There's going to be a number of alts to the set including bondage, pleasure, and tickling focused alts.

Some examples include:

Defiant Rivet

Tickled Rivet

Pumped and Pleasure-Gassed Rivet

We may even get some written narrative into these as seen in the Judy Hopps Animation Set. This time written by Ice Leung: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/iceleung/ who's made a lot of quality tickling and pleasure based stories before.

What do you think of the character choice of Rivet and this setup? :D

2: What's Next?

Next week should see the completion and release of this animation set if all goes well. It's gonna be a lot of work though so I'll be working a bit this weekend as well to get this delivered to you!

Once this animation set is complete it's back onto The Bindmancer. 

Thank you!

- Caroo




hold on...You animate in Unity?