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Hi everyone!

After being on holiday for a week I'm back with some new content and a fresh new playable build. 

Importantly for the new build: I spent some time figuring what the possible cause for reduced performance was.

If you had performance issues with the previous build please download the new one and let me know of your experience! 

I'd love to know if the measures I've taken have addressed the issue.

1: What's New

Prisoner Gender Selection: Pick whether you want males only, females only, or both as prisoners to rescue when you start a game.

I'll get around to doing a selection for enemies as well in time, but we're not quite there yet. 

Male Wall Mounted Prisoners: New art for male bodies, faces, and genitals for wall mounted prisoners. I think they turned out quite cute and animations where tweaked to accommodate their bits below.

Performance Optimizations: The game ran badly last update due to an overload of AI pathfinding and too many enemies spawned in at once. Every one of them trying to calculate the players position. 

Enemies are now better managed now through proximity-based spawning. (Still offscreen so nothing changes for the play experience.) The framerate should be improved now. (Hopefully. Let me know if you see an improvement or if performance is still poor.)

2: What's Next?

Honestly don't know what I'll be working on right now but it'll be some new piece of fun content for the game that I can get done in about 2 weeks.

I'll be off again in mid-December to visit the folks back in Australia for a few weeks. So I want to leave you all with a new build to play with.

I could make male models for the enemy cultists and add that gender select into the game.

Thanks everyone! I hope you enjoy the new build! 

- Caroo




Im curious if there are going to be any expansions to game over scenarios? like the player character in the traps the npc's are in or the mimics etc if not no worries im just curious if that is an outlook


In the long term there will be. For right now it's mechanically in and working, but later down the line I'll be going back and adding a few different game-overs in.