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Hi everyone!

It's been a busy week and we're closer to being able to play the game with randomized dungeon layouts!

The aim for getting out the next playable build is October 29th! I hope to see you then. :D

1: What's New

This week was completely focused on the task of creating a level layout generator which ended up being done over two key parts:

1: Creating enough "Tiles" To successfully test out the idea by stitching them together through the generation process. That meant needing to make a combo of layouts that had different 4-way connections. Some need to be only 3 way or 2 way. Some tiles are L shaped, T shaped and Straight. 

That in itself was time intensive as each tile needs to be created in the tilemap, placed objects and collisions, so I got about 10 in total done and took to mid Wednesday. 

2: Creating the logic state machine which effectively "Builds" out a dungeon out of those random parts and in a random way.

There's also additional logic that adds "Wall Blockers" to any exposed corridors that leads to nowhere, as well as a logic for placing down the exit portal at one of a few pre-determined locations so even that is randomized.

Chests, prisoners and enemies won't spawn in the same places for each tile type every time either. You'll have to explore. :D

This took me up to today and the end result as is you see below in-engine where each tile builds out from the "Entry Portal Tile" 

All in all not a bad week!

2: What's Next

Next week is dedicated entirely to shaping up the build and getting it released. 

There is a fair warning that the next build may be a bit buggy as the process of making all assets in the game as "Prefabs" In unity [Meaning you can copy and paste 1 object multiple times easily.] comes with a lot of adjustment and bug fixing as previously everything wasn't a prefab. 

I think it'll be exciting to get you all a build where every time you play the level it'll be a new layout to explore!

What do you think? :D

- Caroo




I'm very excited. New levels with each iteration, that's your basic replayability all taken care of right there. Even if only some of the dungeon floors will be built by the computer, and others crafted by hand, I think it's important that players don't have a predictable layout at every turn of the corner.


Looking good! How friendly is the Unity SDK to making randomly generated environments?