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Hi everyone. :)

It's the first weekly roundup post of the year. I've got some fun stuff to show as I've gotten back into the flow of working on the games and animation sets.

Let's take a look!

1: What's New

The first thing that's new is the reveal that I've been working with a composer to create some original music tracks for Ticklish Tessa.

In total they'll be creating three short tracks. One for the intro, one for dialogue scenes and one for gameplay.

Right now the intro and the dialogue music has been mastered. We're still developing the gameplay music.

To cater to the fading in and out of the music I've also created longer intros that transition from scene to scene:

Video (and Audio) of the music:

Gif's however don't have audio. So to see the new music in action check out this video!

Judy Animation Set: Getting started on making layers.

One of the largest chunks of time it takes towards making these unity-based animation sets is to create the art assets.

While you could just make a flat character and try to animate it using bones you're much better off layering the characters body parts so they can move in response to motion.

So I've made a start on making the layered assets this week:

2: What's Next

The gameplay track for Ticklish Tessa is still a bit away as it's a back and forth process between me and the composer. During that time of getting the final track in I'll be polishing Ticklish Tessa and also working deep into making the art assets for the Judy Hopps Animation set.

When the last music track is in the game I'll also release an updated build.

I'd love to get Ticklish Tessa published and officially "1.0"oed before getting deep into the 2nd project again. And my soft-target for the Judy Animation set being released is Mid February. 

So overall we're back into the swing of work now! Thanks for hanging with me during my time off in December.


- Caroo



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