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It's with great pleasure (And a buttload of work) that I'm proud to release the Princess Moon Animation Set!

This animation set contains 12 animated segments that tells the story of Princess [ REDACTED ] and her captivity. Subjected to intense tickle torture upon her trapped and helpless soles.

Of the 12 animations:

  • 4 Are bondage focused with no tickling.
  • 8 Are tickle torture focused with escalating intensity!

This devious set can be accessed and viewed in 4 ways!

1: An interactive gallery that can be viewed in any 16x9 resolution at a glorious 60 FPS. (Playable on a Windows PC) <- This is the best way!

2: High quality HD videos running at 30 FPS

3: Animated Gifs running at 20 FPS

4: A collection of still images.

How to best view them:

- If viewing on a Windows PC = Run the interactive Gallery. It's by far the best quality!

- If viewing on anything else = Play the 30 FPS videos.

Download Links:

60FPS Interactive Gallery + Still Images 

- Downloadable via the attachment on this post

- Alt download link. 

NOTE: You must extract all the files from the zip in order to play the interactive gallery.

30 FPS Videos:

Parts 1 to 6

Parts 7 to 12 

20FPS Animated Gifs:

Parts 1 to 4 

Parts 5 to 8 

Parts 9 to 12 




I’m already did mine score on two on deviantart and I forgot about all of those so here mine score for them all 20 out of 10 top score and in the hot zone. Love what happened here with Luna amazing work. Loved to see more female characters in animations.