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Note: November 3rd = Added additional voice audio for hitting full arousal.

Download the Playable Build:

3rd of November Game Build

Hi everyone!

This new build features the addition of voice over effects and sounds as well as additional work on the SFX audio.

I must stress though, Ticklish Tessa does not have word by word reading of voice over lines. It instead has voice emotes such as laughter and moans that compliments the actions shown on screen. :)

You can check out the audio work via watching this video! 

Requirements & How to Install:

  • Playable on a PC using a Windows OS.
  • The game will first boot up full screen and set to your monitors native resolution.
  • This can be changed back to the classic 1200x900 windowed mode in the options menu located at the top right of the screen.
  • You MUST unzip the contents of the zipfile to any folder. The game cannot run from inside the zipped file.
  • Windows can unzip it by itself. You don't need to download any third party software like WINRAR.
  • You can run the demo by entering the unzipped folder and double clicking on the file Ticklish Tessa.exe

Download the Playable Build:

3rd of November Game Build 


For ease of my own bug fixing. I've put in a number of keyboard cheats you can use to navigate around the game. These cheats WONT be present in the finished game. Use them if you want to get to all content quicker at the moment. Progression Cheats:

  • Hitting number keys 1 to 7 will instantly take you to that session. (Session 4 is where everything is currently unlocked.
  • Hitting the "A" key will make Tessa hit full arousal and complete the session.
  • Hitting the "S" Key while in the Narrative screen will bypass it.


- Caroo




Unfortunately my anti malware keeps reading some of the data as harmful and removes it with out my say so. Ah well maybe next time.

Andrew Martinez

ok something odd has happened to me. my pc shut off while playing and now when i run the game the start button doesnt start the game now it acts like a click when you touch the feet or nose


So it sounds like the data was corrupted. The solution is to delete the game data and folder and to unzip a fresh copy.