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Hi everyone!

This weeks roundup shows up the work done this week on the 2nd project. I have some fun video content and animated gifs to share!

1: Gameplay Video

You can watch a video of all the development progress made this week via this link!

2: This Weeks Progress

Lockpicking Chests:

This week started with making the encounter temp art assets for the prototype chest and wall trap.

Once those assets where made. I got to work starting on the encounter flows for the chest.

Unlocking the chest involves solving a puzzle:

A simple rotation puzzle with 3 layers to put in the right spaces. I think it turned out well!

Enemy Encounters:

After completing the Chest puzzle. I got to work with creating the encounter flow for engaging an enemy. In this case our lovely cultist.

As of the moment I've got in Attacking the Cultist and defending against the Cultist:

To attack the cultist you can either cast a spell via an a keyboard input minigame. Or pay more stamina to attack directly.

Also the hand casting the spell is neat. :D

And then once you've attacked. If the enemy isn't defeated you'll need to defend yourself. Which is represented by a mini-game where you have to avoid objects using the W and S keys:

While all the animations are very rough and rudimentary. They lay the groundwork for developing how these sorts of encounters flow. :)

3: What's Next

Next week is developing more gameplay flow. In particular rescuing a prisoner and how that's accomplished by the player. And in general just continue to turn these temp assets into a fun prototype game!

What do you think of the gameplay flows so far? :)


- Caroo




Gameplay is looking good so far. I think the locked chest puzzle is interesting, fun, and easy to do without worry. Meanwhile casting spells looks like something that will get easier with practice, as casting a spell would be like and the dodge is all about reactions and timing, which is also wonderfully thematic. Will there be a chance to 'play' with the enemy after defeat? No sense in letting that delightful bondage go to waste. XD


Thanks for the feedback KOS. Not sure on what will happen to enemies once defeated yet. ^^ But delightful bondage is always fun to see!