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Hi Everyone. :)

I hope you've all had a great week. 

I've got some fun sketches and some solid updates on the design Wiki to show off!

1: This Weeks Progress

So last week I said there would need to be some preliminary work on some design and production docs to get ready for prototyping the 2nd project.

This week those documents where written up. Along with accompanying thumbnail sketches of the entire flow of the game.

20 Thumbnail Sketches in total. These are intentionally rough but describe how each screen and system of the game possibly looks and plays.

This is all done to help establish if the proposed game flow makes sense.

You can download this HERE. 

And to show in context of where each screen goes in relation to the projects core gameplay flow:

You can download this HERE. 

And In terms of design documents I've written up this week:

The result of doing this work is that I have enough laid out concepts and designs to be ready to get into prototyping the dungeon aspect of the game in October.

It'll be a lot of work though, so once I get started on that it will take many weeks to get to the point of having something that can be played. And longer for something that delivers on looking cute and kinky.

But the first priority is making sure the game flow is fun. Then we can make it look very, very cute and kinky.

2: What's Next?

For next week I intend to get back to Tessa for bug fixing and polish.

On the Voice Over end I'm still waiting on the VA's lines. They took time off in August and then took an extended time offline. So I've been pinging e-mails off to see what's going on there.

I've also got an awkward problem in relation to getting female voice lines done, but no male VO yet. I'm not sure yet if I want to commission it.

For everything else though: Bugs and Polish. I can dive in next week and see what I can polish up. If anyone has any bugs or issues they experienced please feel free to let me know.

What do you think? :)


- Caroo



Regis Manatur