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Hi everyone!

It's been a hard working week but we got through it!

There's no update to the playable build this week but there is a new video to showcase the 7th and final interaction tool that's in development progress. 

A feature many Patrons have been asking for. :)

1: This Weeks Progress

This week I got started on the the last unlockable interaction tool for Ticklish Tessa: It's the most intimate method on display and unlocked on the final story-line session: the 6th session.

Foot Worship

This feature has actually been a challenge this week. There was a fair amount of trial and error in getting it to look presentable and animate to a satisfactory standard.

In all there are eight different locations that can be licked on Tessa's Feet. 2x the soles, 6x for the toes.

Gameplay wise it's not a tickling tool, but it does get a potent reaction out of Tessa. :)

I can't quite call the feature ready to play with yet. There's still a lot of hooking up to other systems in the game, polish and bug fixing that's needed. (Doing the animation work bent be over backwards this week.)

More or less saying there needs another week on it to give Foot Worship Interactions the love it needs.

Demonstration Video:

You can watch a full demo of the current state of the Foot Worship tool in action here. 

2: What's Next

The priority is getting what was started this week completed. I intend to deliver the new foot worship feature to you all by Friday next week. :)

If I get it done before then, then the rest of the week will be spent on general polish and bug fixing.

3: How am I doing?

Every once in a while I like to ask how I'm doing to my Patrons.

 Do you feel like the projects are progressing fast enough?

 Do you feel like you're getting the content you signed up for? 

Or are you generally happy with this Patreon?

If you have feedback, i'd love to know :)




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