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Hi everyone!

This weeks progress was singularly focused on a new aspect of the game. Namely the introduction of narrative intermissions!

There's no updated playable build this week, as some extra work is needed to make the new feature comprehensive and player friendly.

1: This Weeks Progress

Narrative Intermissions: This week was dedicated to getting started on narrative intermissions.

These new scenes play before the start of each session and is an opportunity to show Tessa's state of mind and for the player to ask some questions. 

The first half of this week was focused on creating the artwork itself. Which is lovingly high-resolution:

The second half of the week was getting the art assets into the engine and hooking up the logic and flow. 

VIDEO CONTENT: You can watch the narrative intermission play out via this video!

The current text is placeholder as we get a better written narrative in.

2: What's Next: Game polish and more narrative intermission work.

Next week will be focused on polishing up the play experience and on continuing work on narrative intermissions.

That includes expanding Tessa's expressions and creating branching paths of questions and responses!


- Caroo



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