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Hello all you lovely people. <3

It's a new month and a lot of new content to talk about! Lets run over what was produced in June!

Public Demo Release!

For those who want to try out Ticklish Tessa before deciding if they want to join the Patreon: I've released a playable demo! 

Be sure to read the instructions on how to download and run the game. (tldr: You can't run it in the zip file.)

What's New?

1: Two New Tickling Tools

Two new tickling tools and methods of interaction was Added to Ticklish Tessa this month. The Makeup Brush and the Vibrators.

Both of these tools give new and different methods of interaction to play with Tessa.

2: Endless Mode

Once you've completed the storyline content in Ticklish Tessa, now you can play with Tessa with all the tools and gear you've unlocked in an endless mode!

3: Gender Changing Options

You can now change the appearance of Tessa in multiple ways from their head, torso and genital area. Still a lovely business mouse. <3

4: UI Polish

A lot of the UI looks much more slick and nicer. Better communicating what your actions are doing to Tessa! :D

5: Audio

The first iterations of audio implementation was done, we got some button clicks, beeps, boops, and music in the game!

What's coming in July due to your support?

  • Intermissions and Narrative between sessions.
  • Voice over audio.
  • Tons of gameplay polish.
  • And much more!.

I hope you all enjoy this months showcase! :D Please check out the demo and let me know what you think of it! :D


- Caroo




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