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Hi Everyone. :D

This week we've got a brand new interaction tool to show off as well as some extra visual polish when it comes to Tessa hitting full arousal. ;)

There's no new demo this week as I still need to polish up some of the new gameplay, however a new demo will be available at the end of next week. :)

1: Gameplay Video

Click HERE to watch a 1:30 video which showcases the work made this week! (And some lovely things the gifs here wont show. ;)

2: This Weeks Progress:

The Vibrator Tool

This is a new tool with a new gameplay mechanic! Tessa is Fitted with multiple vibrators and the player can set the duration and intensity of them to really work Tessa up.

This is probably one of the most complex things gameplay wise I've made so far! I hope you all have fun playing with it next build release!

Fluids on Full Arousal

An extra piece of visual polish. Tessa now gets quite excited from session 3 onward when she hits full arousal.

Check the video for a look! :)

3: What's Next: Polishing the Vibrator and Another tickling tool.

I wanted Ticklish Tessa to have a total of 6 different interaction tools. I think the Vibrators is the most intense tool in the set and I want to make something that unlocks between the hands and paint brush.

Also the vibrator tool has a lot of complexity to it, so it needs some extra testing and polish on my end. ^^

I hope you all like the look of the new tool addition! :D


- Caroo



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