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Hi everybody!

Some solid improvements to the game have been made this week. Enough so that I've exported a new build! To get into the details...

1: New Playable Build Today

Because the progress this week goes a long, long way to improve in-game communication and usability. A new build will be linked today in a separate post to those who have subscribed at $10 or more.

2: This Weeks Progress

So there are two new pieces of content that got in for this week:

- First is a rendered background environment for the game. Which adds a lot to the atmosphere and experience.

- Second is a lot of communication improvement made to the tool and gear buttons in displaying when they unlock. As well as describing what buttons do. 

VIDEO: You can check out a higher quality 1:16 min video here: https://www.kangaroovideogames.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Week-10.mp4 

I think these improvements go a long way so players know that there's content to unlock by progressing through each session with Tessa.

Some other refinements got in this week, including:

- Gave the single hand tickling tool different foot animations for left and right foot tickling. So it's more clear that you're supposed to just focus on one foot.

- Spent time readjusting the positioning and sizing of the UI to better suit the new visual environment.

3: What's Next: Dialogue, Animations, and Tools

Dialogue will be getting a polish up, including adding new dialogue for the intro and outro of each of the different sessions. 

Animations will also be made to reflect the new dialogue.

If there's also time to do so, I'll also start exploring the possibility of adding in more tools or refining the gameplay experience of the current tools. 

Thank you all! :D

- Caroo


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