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Hi everyone!

For those publicly following me and for those who have found this Patreon, welcome! 

Let me show you what progress has been made during April for the Micro Game: Ticklish Tessa

And a reminder that Playable Demos are available for those who subscribe at the $10 or higher tiers!

1: Equipped Gear

Tessa can now equip three pieces of gear, designed to change how you can interact with her.

  • Toe Ties: Which Keep her feet tied together.
  • Gag: Which muffles her dialogue.
  • Blindfold: She can't see what you're going to use until it's used.

2: Dialogue and Emotes

Tessa now expresses the situation through dialogue, laughter and emotes!

There's a lot put into this system. Tessa reacts to the tools you pick, how intensely she's being tickled, and how aroused she's getting as you play with her.

3: Gameplay Progression and Unlocking Content

The game now has a goal you're playing towards. The aim is to build Tessa's arousal to full each session and make very her happy! :D

In return you unlock new tickling tools and gear!

4: Better User Interface Art

Many of the placeholder UI art has been replaced with much nicer animated buttons and pop-ups!

What your support gives you and me. <3

Supporting me through Patreon at the $10 or more tiers gives you immediate access to Playable Demos of Ticklish Tessa, as well as access to an exclusive Discord channel where I usually show off content as it's being made! 

Your support gives me both financial support and confidence that what I'm making full-time is worthwhile.

Thank you so much for your time. <3

- Caroo


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