CMGIAW - EA and thanks (Patreon)
Hello dear patreons and fans.
I hope you had a nice celebration with the people you love and have a happy new year filled with new purposes to fulfill.
The game would not have been possible without the support of patreons and loyal players who support in different ways to generate visibility for the game.
Thank you very much for the support and I hope to continue creating games to satisfy people, because that is my only hobby at the moment.
Since I've been busy with the celebrations I decided to take this month to focus on my daily stuff.
However, I will always keep my game updated which is almost at the end stage (1 chapter and a half more to go). Again I thank you for the support that allowed me to finish my first game (from which I will take much of the experience gained to complete my previous game Crisis Matters Alyna and create new projects).
- R1leyD4rk
Changelog - v0.2.7 MINOR/TEASER update:
- Added teaser of the beach quest.
- Added new costumes for (Aiko, Sakiko and Nina from patreon poll)
- Added new music
- Added new GUI translation and fixed some bugs from the game in general (Credits to Jadih96207)
- Fixed minor issues with the cheats menu
- Adjusted GUI and stats during the game.
- Fixed some grammar issues.