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Hi. This is Muchi.

First of all, I'll put up the Kindle sales page for the book that was released the other day, which is in Japanese.

I don't think you can buy the book without a Japanese Amazon account, but...


Well, October is almost over. I don't have any official statistics, but I have the impression that many Japanese people celebrate their birthdays at this time of year. There's a Japanese joke about how many children in Japan are born in the second half of October because many couples have sex on Christmas Eve night.

I don't think it's even a joke.😆

It may touch on various religious views, but this is the kind of Japan I love.

I'm currently working on a MOMI-Chan comic.

But between you and me, this story is over for this installment.

In fact, there have been so many complaints about her boobs being too big...

It is absolutely impossible to make MOMI-Chan's boobs too small.

So, in order to take care of MOMI-Chan, I have decided to end the series.

If you all like her, maybe we can get her to appear here?



I don’t think she’s “too big”! Please make her to appear here!

Kristen Hall

People will complain if you draw boobs too small. Just ignore them and draw what you want.


I don't like her. I LOVE HER !! Please don't make make her go.


The people saying her boobs are too big have no taste, 😤 the bigger the better


Thank you all so much for your support! 🙏 I hope we can discuss this together and present it in a way that you will be pleased with.😌


I love Momi-chan!!!