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Hi, This is Muchi.

Lately, I’ve been writing this diary while riding the subway. It’s a time that makes me quite excited. Although I’m not writing anything particularly significant, the fact that I’ve been doing it almost every week speaks volumes.

Whenever I’m on a train, including the subway, I often remember a story a friend told me about encountering an acrobatic performer on a New York train, which they found very annoying.

I’m not sure if this is a common occurrence, but it seems to happen more often than one might think.🤔

In Japan, it’s considered poor manners to speak out loud on the train, and the same goes for talking on the phone. Naturally, if someone were to dance or play an instrument, they would be kicked out without question. People usually just fiddle with their smartphones, read, or sleep.😴

On a packed train where you can’t even sit down, there’s nothing to do but endure the discomfort, standing as still as a stone.

Achu-sensei, back when he used to commute as a company employee, had mastered the art of sleeping while standing on a crowded train.😲

Given such an environment, Japanese people often react with shock when they learn about train etiquette in other countries. There are probably quite a few Japanese who would faint at the sight of people casually talking on the phone or a train arriving several seconds late.

On the other hand, there’s also the perspective that it’s Japan that is unusual.

And so, we find ourselves exporting Japan’s unique standards. Wahaha🤣



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