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Previously on “Perverse Dreams”...

Our two protagonists are freed from the alien tickling machine in which they are trapped due to an explosion caused by the impact of a laser. Apparently, a pirate ship is preparing to capture them... What are their intentions?

How do you want this story to continue?

  • OPTION A – Sarah, our blue-haired protagonist finds herself in a new torture machine after being captured by space pirates. The pirate leader is about to interrogate her: she wants to know who she is and more about her past... (TICKLE MACHINE + INTERROGATION)
  • OPTION B - Sarah, our blue-haired protagonist, and the rest of the crew of the Neptulian ship find themselves in a cell after being captured by space pirates. Suddenly, they hear a female voice coming from speakers, telling them that they are going to a planet to be sold as slaves. But until they reach their destination she wants to entertain herself with them. Suddenly, an ALIEN with tentacles appears in the cell with dark intentions... (TENTACLES TICKLES)
  • OPTION C – Sarah, our blue-haired protagonist finds herself alone in an unknown room after being captured by space pirates. Suddenly, the pirate leader enters her room and tells her not to worry, because she is not going to hurt her... she just wants to have fun with her. Scared, Sarah looks around and discovers that the room is full of familiar torture objects: feathers, brushes, rollers… Sarah can't believe it: “Has I been captured again by another tickle fetishist? ” (SEX + TICKLES)
  • OPTION D – Sarah is captured by the space pirates along with the rest of the crew of the Neptulian ship. They are all made to move to a circular room filled with cameras. A female voice sounds through some speakers and tells them that if they want to get out alive they will have to play a game: they will have to fight each other in combat. The winner will be freed while the rest… will be sold as slaves! There is only one rule... it must be a TICKLE match! (TICKLE BATTLE)
  • OPTION E – Sarah, our blue-haired protagonist, and the rest of the crew of the Neptulian ship find themselves in a cell after being captured by space pirates. The pirate leader is calling them one by one to inspect them. Each of them will have to undergo an extreme tickling session where her physical and mental resistance will be put to the test. The reason? They will be sold as sex and tickle slaves, that is why they must know their limits to be able to put a proper price. (Individual tickling session)
  • OPTION F – Our blue-haired protagonist wakes up in her house when she is about to pass out. Sure enough, it's all been a nightmare... (The END of the comic. Choose this option if you're interested in starting a new comic for next month.)

These are my proposals! Each of them will direct the story towards different paths, so choose well.

Remember that you can suggest any ideas below in the comments or in the “📖Tickle COMIC!” discord group in the “💬comic_chat”!

Until next time!



Vote option E guys