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Hi all!

Last week I have presented to you my new tiers from March 1st. These are replacing the current tiers completely as of March 31st. The transition will not be done automatically. You will have to switch your membership to one of the new tiers of your liking. I know it’s a bit confusing, but it’s the only way that Patreon allows me to make the changes that I need. So, let’s get rolling!!

Important points:

1. You are REQUIRED to switch to a new tier.

All current tiers will no longer give you access to my contents as of April 1st. It’s very important that you select and move your membership to one of my new tiers between March 1st and 31st.

  • The billing for March 1st will be the amount for your current membership tier.
  • You will be charged the difference between what you've already paid for the month and your new membership amount when you switch the tier.
  • For more information on editing your membership, please refer to this page.

2. If you have the membership for the “Welcome to the Party” tier and are not interested in none of the new tiers, please make sure to cancel your membership. :(

3. Below are Q&As that may help you clear up your doubts about this transition.

  • What happens with my current membership tier?
All my current tiers will be deleted on April 1st, meaning that they won’t give you access to any of my contents as of this date even if you have paid the monthly fee. This is why it’s very important that you select and move to one of my new tiers between March 1st and March 31st. Unfortunately if none of my new tiers are of your interest, please make sure to cancel your membership.
  • How will I be charged for switching my membership to a new tier?
The billing amount for March 1st will be for your current membership tier. You will be charged only the difference between what you've already paid for the month and your new membership amount when you switch to a new tier. For more information please refer to this page on editing your membership.
  • What happens if I do nothing?
You will continue to be charged the fee for your current membership tier. This is because Patreon doesn't allow me to change the state of your membership even after deleting the current tiers on April 1st. That’s why it’s vital that you either switch to a new tier or cancel your membership to avoid unnecessary billing.

That’s it! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send me a message or ask me below in the comments!


Bill Vicious



Thanks for helping us out Bill! :D