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Hello everyone, 

Last week I made an announcement about the new tiers that will be available from March 1st. This time I'm here to present them! 

The most significant changes to take into account are the following:

  • All illustrations will now become mostly exclusive to my Patreon. (I say mostly because I will need to use some old images to promote my Patreon page on other social medias.)
  • A new section named “SEX TICKLES” is available to EXTREME & GOURMET members.
  • A new tier GOURMET MEMBERS is added as an option. It’s dedicated to creating monthly comic page, and you will get to decide the plot and characters through chats and polls.

I hope you like what I have prepared! As I commented last week, these changes have been prompted by my recent need to make my Patreon more profitable. At the end of the day, my idea is to be able to live from my art and strive to offer the best tickle content on the Internet!!

These new tiers are replacing the current ones as of March 31st. 

In next post, I will be explaining how the transition will have to be done. 

Until then, take care!

Bill Vicious



Ah I see what you meant by very soon Bill. Well this sound great, gonna love the new tiers


Sounds good and fair! :D


I have a question Can every tier vote on the poll for tickle comic or only the gourmet tier