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Hello Extreme Club members!

Next week I will upload the new "Character poll" for the second " Tickle Horror Illsutration " for the Halloween Special. 

I would like to include characters of your liking, for that reason, I encourage you to share with me ONE of your favorite characters.

🎃 What kind of characters can be proposed?

Witches, zombie-girls, ghosts-girls, monster women, vampires, characters with Halloween skins or even characters that appear in horror franchises (Resident Evil, Silent Hill, you know...)

🎃 HOW??

  • You can propose your CHARACTER in the private Discord chat " 👥 character_polls".
  • Or, for those who don't use Discord, you can propose your character below in the comments!


  • Parts of the body blocked for next week: BOOBS / NIPLES. The other areas of the body will be available!
  • ONE name only!
  • Characters must be HALLOWEEN themed!
  • JUST Females characters!
  • NO MINORS , only +18 (If the lady seems very minor... or she has a minor body but an adult personality... she can also be excluded.)
  • NO real people!


Cameo Man dave

Symmetra overwatch, dragon outfit


how about Shuten from fate


Lulu ffx


Mia -Witch Costume - Fire Emblem Heroes

ben jammin

Mona from shovel knight


jane romero from dead by daylight