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Hi everyone!!!

The next two weeks will be special. 


Because this month I want to celebrate Christmas with you doing something different!! (Instead of the usual weekly illustrations)

My idea is to make, during the next two weeks, a single drawing in which several characters of your choice appear in a complex tickle illustration with Christmas themes.

For this occasion you will vote several characters, and the most voted (more than two…) will appear in the illustration. (Remember, all patrons can vote, but only Extreme Club members can propose characters for polls.)

As usual, you will also choose the methods of tickling and other things that I have prepared for you... 

In summary... I will draw a MACRO illustration with your favorite characters in the definitive Christmas illustration. That will be my gift to you !! You can use it as wallpaper or print it as a poster! Whatever you want! ;)

From the third week of December everything will return to normal, with the TICKLE BATTLE! This Christmas illustration only replaces the two weekly illustrations of the next two weeks, all the remaining content of my Patreon will remain the same. (Comic, Tickle Machine, Tickle Battle...)

What do you think?

If you like the idea, next week I will start with the POLLS to make the illustration as personalized as possible!

See you!!


📣If you have any suggestions, ideas or questions, don't hesitate to ask me. You can do it below in the comments or in the Discord chat 👂🏻suggestions!