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Breaking Bad has the better STORY. Better Call Saul has the better STORYTELLING.


Never a good thing to hype up an episode but yeah others already did so I'm sure you'll enjoy the upcoming one ;) Actually though, this one might be my favorite of the season personally. I love how they actually get a chance now to show you the rivalry between Gus & Hector, and this is just the start. Oh yeah, maybe a good thing to fresh your mind up on but we indeed see Bolsa in Breaking Bad too. He's there for the negotations between Gus and the twins about killing Walt. After the shootout with Hank, when Gus has Mike kill the second twin in the hospital he's called by Bolsa saying he suspects Gus. In that moment armed agents show up at Bolsa's house and kill him. Essentially it was Gus succeeding in a step of the plan he had long in the making. He wanted to have Hector for himself and his family dead, and seperated from the rest of the cartel who he eventually disposed of too.