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Joshua Johnson

Also i think some are reading the Sabine scene wrong she didn’t use the force, Shin expected her to use the force and flinched that’s why she says you have no power

Jack Holliman

That seemed to be Night Sister magic leaving the Inquisitor’s body when he or she was killed. We’ve only seen this a couple of times before. My first thought what that it could’ve been a reanimated body by the Night Sister, but that didn’t fully make sense. So my next thought was a possible magic enhanced being like Savage Oppress in the Clone Wars. If you remember, when Palpatine killed him, the magic left his system and he reverted back to his original smaller self. This could have been a Night Sister as well, but I doubt it. It would be neat if it happened to be Ventress since we never knew what her fate was, but I doubt that as well. These are just my speculations.