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Jacob Plourde

The original Battlefront 2 is legends, not canon. The Clone Wars animated series never really fit in with the rest of Legends despite the first 5 seasons coming out before the Disney reboot.


Other people have already said this is the original battlefront 2 from 2005, and thus not canon and not involving Rex at all. When I first heard this a few years ago I was confused that the clones were talking about knowing what would happen beforehand. In hindsight it makes sense because the inhibitor chips hadn't really been introduced to the story just yet.


In legends, order 66 was a protocol that both the clones and Jedi were aware of but never thought would happen. Since the chips didn't exist in old legends it was more of a choice for the clones. A lot of people have been complaining in canon that too many Jedi have been surviving order 66, but in legends there were tons more.