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LETS GOOOO !!! Gone Girl is amazing, probably my favorite Fincher movie 😁

Andrew Clifton

Definitely one of the most shocking movies I've ever seen as far as plot twist combined with some random insane moments. The lesson here is be very very careful who you choose to be in a relationship with. That bitch crazy as hell man.

Mati D.

She got his sample and she used it to get pregnant. He gave the letter to Amy, saying that they will destroy it, she throw the letter to the trash can, and went for the sample. He did not push her in the flashback, it's false, she falsificated that event in the diary, telling all that and that he didn't want children. After that they show us that its a lie and actually SHE didn't want children, but he did. "america love pregnant women", all false to create a lie.


This is the same director as Zodiac, Se7en, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Fight Club, and The Social Network


Also, this is bout to be my second time watching it. But I’m def closing my eyes during that bedroom scene this time.