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Well... Here we go... Round 2

Josh Baker

Firstly, yeah, the chase scenes are hard to watch. I can get over it- big picture and all- but I’m surprised the editing team doesn’t catch it… it’s pretty obvious lol. Second, that clone vet was part of the 501st (Anakin’s crew). Third, yes that was one of Maul’s species (pronounced Zabrak). Fourth, “a street fight between Obi and the 3rd Sister, with him killing her,” when you brought that concept up: that would’ve been awesome to see in this episode, I’ve actually never heard anyone theorize that scenario lol but that would’ve been a super cool opportunity to show us where Obi’s at in terms of rustiness. (Maybe I’m just saying that because I’m admittedly not a Reva fan though) Leia was annoying during the rescue, but of course they wrote her like that intentionally, because most smart 10 year olds are usually just like that lmao. 100 questions per hour. Good writing decision? Not really, in my opinion. That scene bothers me too. There are only a handful of people that knew Anakin was Vader, you’re not trippin. And yes he almost definitely felt that through the force.


this show is a bit like breaking bad in the fact that the starting episodes are good, but each episode outdoes the last by miles, the next few weeks couldn't come soon enough

Silas Kane

Ok bro we gotta figure out what's up with the timer. 😂


Yeah I first noticed it during his latest post of bad batch. That shit was fast asf

Andrew Clifton

Loving it. As someone else said, these episodes just get better and better as we go. I can relate to how Leha was acting. I got a 7 yo that talks a lot, asks too many questions and refuses to accept anything at face value lol. Though I like Reeva's character, she is a bit corny at times lol. Overall solid episode though. 👌


It was really cool to see vader at the end and the fact that’s Hayden Christensen (the one that played Anakin In the prequels) makes It so much better.


You are actually right in questioning how she knows Anakin is Vader. She did NOT know Vader and Anakin were the same person. When Anakin was at the temple she saw him as ANAKIN SKYWALKER. Not once did she ever HEAR the name Vader. ANAKIN was the one storming the temple not Vader. She wasn't there when Obi and Yoda were listening to the recording either. You ARE RIGHT TO BE CONFUSED Primate. "Master Skywalker there are too many of them what are we going to do?" If OBI DIDN'T KNOW VADER WAS ALIVE LET ALONE IN THE SUIT THEN SHE SHOULDN'T EITHER. If she read his mind then all she would get is that he killed Anakin not that he's in the suit. Most people think he's a Droid anyway. VADER KILLS ANYONE WHO KNOWS HE'S ANAKIN. The only people who do live are those that are in Palpatine 's close circle


The Grand Inquisitor just doesn't have the same feel if it's not Jason Isaacs


why are you spoiling.. it wasnt revealed how she knows him so why are you telling him.. people like you suck


Unfortunately anger got the better of me. However I did not spoil how Anakin and her meet. There's not that much space but we ALREADY KNOW Anakin kills younglings in the temple from the movie. He is physically Anakin Skywalker and everyone knows his name in the temple because he is famous. So take a chill pill. I was even talking in the moment of the question he was asking.

Ezra Samayoa

Funny enough I actually really enjoyed the live action version of the grand inquisitor. His look was the only meh thing about him imo