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Andrew Clifton

Dam I can't wait to watch this.

Josh Baker

Palps voice sounded more menacing because it was the one and only Ian, the original Senate, McDiarmid


You thought Crosshairs would miss any of those shots?🤣 no way lol


hey primate, your timer moves too quick! might be an editing error! good reaction tho


This is basically the start of the death troopers. I think these clones are a special type of clones that were modified for killing off clones that defected. Like the OVRA in Mussolini's secret police force. Wait... what if at the end of clone wars when Vader showed up at the end what if those were modified clones mixed with normal people, new recruits n all. Dave could be fixing up why Obi said in a new hope "Only imperil stormtroopers are so precise."


The clones were ALREADY fear influenced thinking that he would kill them off next, like with Wilco. then Palpatine comes in with the finishing blow to end our boys. If only Slip mentioned Tarkin too was involved I didn't put this together until later but there were MORE cities on Kamino not just Tipoca city which I am guessing was evacuated

Andrew Clifton

Dam Palps is such a dick. Literally the worst person to work for ever lol. He definitely twisted this to the tee. Idk why but when Senator Chuchi was walking around with Omega teaching her stuff I got similar vibes to when Padame was walking around with Ahsoka doing the same thing.