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Fennec didn't beat Cad Bane... She had to retreat after getting her ass kicked by a very old Cad Bane.

Jacob Plourde

The beast that Boba fell into in episode 6 is called the Sarlacc. The Scavengers are called Jawas. The pigs are called Gamorreans.

David Norcross III

Primate, The Haters got it wrong again with this series. Just like all the other Star Wars tv shows….. once again you are in for a treat. And remember when I said that about The Mandalorian you were very entertained

Kevin Sharbaugh

The boar brothers came through! And that creature they fought at the end reminds me of the Kraken from the classic "Clash of the Titans" from 1981.


To be perfectly honest I prefer the book to the show kenobi. They're two completely different stories like night and day. where one holds imo Obiwan's true perspective after all the horrible heartbreaking things Anakin did in ROTS. Man had me by the heart and lungs at one point as he broke down. I've read and listened to it 5 times now both owning the book and audio book on audible. Haven't gotten bored once. Can't say the same for the show I'm no nay sayer. I try my best to like the show I watch. I just dive deeper into more lore to make sense of things so I don't miss something or if they break their own cannon for nothing

Kevin B

Kenobi is good, Boba Fett is good, Andor is fantastic. I'm glad you dont pay much attention to the nay sayers. You seem to disagree with them most of the time as I do.


You should look up the age of the Fennec actress it will amaze you like it did me lol

Casen Jamvo

The sand behemoth is new, fans took to calling it "sand gorro". Also have seen the bacta tank he heals in called the "flashbacta tank", he will spend a fair amount of time in there giving us those flashbacks. The hate for this is too strong, I think it is more consistent than Kenobi (which has some higher highs than this but also lower lows).

Jacob Plourde

Kenobi has nice fan service moments, but that doesn’t make it a good show.

Jack Sharpe

Boba's droid in this show is played by Matt Berry, known for his role in the IT Crowd. Following on from Richard Aoyade being in The Mandalorian.


i am late to this but Trandoshans (Bossk's species) hunt wookiees


People give this show a bad rep, but personally I don’t mind. I think it’s season one and just getting established, it will for sure ramp up and be great in later seasons. Not to mention, there are many things in these few episodes I cannot wait to see you react to.

Kenny Lam

Glad you enjoyed it! Personally this show is on the lower end of my rankings, but I did appreciate it more watching it through your reaction