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Eli HS

aye! been looking forward to this all day, can’t wait to hear your thoughts!


Can’t wait for season 2

Rello2 X

Let’s get it BB season 2 let’s go


I think you will like both Boba Fett and Kenobi. Boba Fett has some extremely goofy moments though for sure.


Ha! You can kinda still see the nose art of Padme on their ship. There's a cut scene in clone wars season 7 where Anakin got jealous and told them to take it off. That must have happened off screen now. Yes yes it was. The doctor in mando is affiliated with these people at the end. Also that was mount tantiss a place Thrawn visits in ledgens. You DEFINITELY need to see the trailer for bad batch season 2 if you plan to watch it sooner in January. I know you won't regret it though it's ok if no

Marc Post

I personally think Boba Fett is decent, certainly not great. Kenobi I absolutely do not like, for plenty of reasons, Tales of the Jedi is fantastic, Andor first half is pretty bad, second half is better but overall still not amazing or anything. Curious if you’ll end up liking them, I used to love everything Star Wars too until Book of Boba Fett so we’ll see

Marc Post

He likes to go into things as blind as possible so doubt he’ll check out any trailers


Then it's fine I'm just kinda nerding out on that trailer. So hyped!😁

Kevin Sharbaugh

My own prediction for Crosshair's future in the Empire is he'll eventually abandon it. He still hasn't learned the Empire's nature... that its guiding principle is selfishness. The officer corps giving him his orders will be less and less interested in loyally serving the Empire and more focused on being ruthlessly self-serving... eagerly undermining his and his squad's missions whenever it serves their immediate interests. In doing so they'll be undermining the Empire, defeating (what he sees as being) its purpose without the Empire seeming to give a damn. He'll find himself left behind again, only this time without purpose. I'll be surprised if, at some point in the future of the series, he doesn't say something to the effect, "I didn't leave the Empire. The Empire left *me*."


Personally thought Boba Fett was pretty good but definitely preferred the second half of the show more. Kenobi I think would have benefited with some scenes cut out and overall trimming the episodes. Personally loved the entirety of Andor and Tales of the Jedi.


I loved Kenobi. Book of boba is okay. I disagree on Andor. I feel it’s the best show out


I think that there are just some people out there who like serving and obeying. I relate to Crosshair in that way. All he and the other clones have ever known is serving as soldiers. Some of us like serving more than others. . Becoming cogs in a machine. I know there’s injustice in a lot of military and government, the world in fact, but for me, I’ve always felt more comfortable obeying and following. Serving. That’s why becoming a soldier was my dream for a long time. I am attracted to discipline, and following orders even though I never followed that career path. One example alone was the fact that my brother was so wild as a teenager that it broke my parents’ hearts so many times. My reaction to that was to be the perfect son. Because I saw how much rebellion hurt my mom. I respected her wishes. I didn’t drink underage. I didn’t party like crazy or have sex (I’m actually still practicing premarital abstinence). I never broke any rules.. Still don’t much. A lot of people I know love to question anything. I don’t. I feel comfortable just staying quiet and doing things I enjoy. Maybe someday I’ll grow out of this. I know when something is wrong and that I should fight back. But breaking orders, questioning everything has always felt wrong for me. I prefer to compromise or find a peaceful solution. That or I just figuratively put my tail between my legs. I dont get rebellion or understand people who do that even though I get that thats them and i am me.

Nick Huber

Totally disagree on Andor. I think it is the best starwars thing since empire. It elevates the franchise beyond what I thought possible. And totally reinvigorated my love for the franchise.


I'm gonna wait when talking about Book of Boba and just throw hints at ledgens Boba for fun. I'm reading the books he and the other bounty hunters are in like Bossk or Dengar or IG-88 (Not IG-11 from the Mandalorian) I'm currently at book 1 the Bounty hunter wars: the mandalorian armor by K.W Jeter


S1 of Bad Batch is a great S1. S1 of shows are never gonna be the peak of that show as it takes time for us and the writers to get used to the characters and set up the plot. I think great things will come from this show by the end of it! Awesome reactions as always!