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Rello2 X

Yessuh BB we near the end😎🥲one of the Clone Commandos we saw fighting, which had orange on his armor was Scorch a CC part of a group (Delta Squad)of them that was in the old Clone Commando SW game & Clone Wars episode.

Culper (Lukas)

Four points to make: * The music we heard in this episode was from the Death Star scenes in A New Hope. * We heard the name “War Mantle” from Rogue One, in the scene where they were looking for the Death Star plans (Star Dust). Now we know War Mantle is the replacement of the Clones. * We saw one Clone Commando with colors in this episode. We saw him in season 3, episode 14 (Witches in the Mist) with the rest of Delta squad. He is a beast… * In episode 4, on the Death Star, an officer says “Tk-421, why aren’t you at your post”. That’s where the “TK” comes from. The design of the troopers in this episode are the original design for them, via Ralph McQuarrie (conceptual designer and illustrator for OT). If you didn’t know, Rebels took A LOT of inspiration from Ralph McQuarrie to design their characters and the world.

Alex McLean

Definitely one of the best Bad Batch episodes, next week is my favourite so can't wait for the reaction.

Jacob Plourde

The name of the other clone commander that was with Rex and Gregor in Rebels is Wolffe. He was the clone commander that served under Plo Koon during the Clone Wars.


Well they don't call Hunter Rambo clone for nothing. The way hunter fell is basically the same in Rambo first blood if you haven't seen it I really suggest it Tk troopers are stormtroopers that's just their identification code numbers


Wolfe 🐺 that's the name your thinking of

Kevin Sharbaugh

It's interesting you mention their voices... all of the Bad Batch are voiced by the same voice actor! Which, when you think about it, seems appropriate.


I’m surprised cause considering how different crosshairs, tech and wrecker sounds I thought it was a different actor


Your not exactly wrong but at the same time he has been shown to be empathetic by not shooting Howzer so you can’t really say he’s completely cold and has shown moments of anger so nots emotionless either


https://youtu.be/1UxfT-LUFUE If time permits check this video first few mins... You I'll appreciate more😆


Always feel so awkward cuz on a given day, I remember 90 percent of all the clone they named in the show.


Clone commandos are elite and are not a joke. Scorch took so many stun blasts before he was knocked out. Wait for Boss, Sev and Fixer to come in. They’ll murder the Batch.