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Full length will be up soon! Just getting internet out here finally and had a late start to the upload due to me spending most the day getting it setup!




Look at the body count these stormtroopers collect at the 10 minute spot lol and the rebels only got two???? That's probably because they're not all trained like how the Empire did from kids to adults. The rebels were groups of people randomly joined 5:00 yup that would be a Krayt dragon skeleton right there. Definitely making me remember Mandalorian right now 5:47 George hired local kids to play the jawas so imagine the lucky kids now full grown adults getting to say I was in the first star wars movie ever made Luke is just 19 in this movie. A young kid from a nowhere planet that will do BIG things. I love the poetry of Luke the little guy from nowhere becoming so important later 6:18 I feel ya there but if only 3p0 remembered any of that bond R2 and him had gained over the years Yes and no. I mean R2 WAS there when Padme was pregnant so I would think R2 has a general idea of Anakin's kids. I need to go research some more I REALLY love that Obi uses his old nickname he got from someone very special. 😏 Tbh It's like Superman's two names Clark and Kal el to me. Obiwan is his superhero name and Ben. That's how I always saw it as a kid even before clone wars was made. Yes he knew that Anakin became Vader. There are actually MANY comics and novels where Obi found out that Anakin was vader and in ROTS Palpatine calls Anakin Vader in a hologram Obi saw so it's not that hard to put two and two together that after all those burns that he would use a suit to walk around in. Obi burned off his arm and legs 8:30 whenever I hear that music I get hyped He never did own a droid. R4 was a gift from Anakin and R2 was Anakin's best friend so what he said matches up 9:20 Obi having PTSD 😭💔💔💔💔 Obi wasn't just sitting on tatooine doing nothing he was writing down all the jedi texts preserving the life he had in it and the mistakes the jedi made 14:49 that was actually a cut scene that made it after the edit. Originally Jabba was just some big dude with a fur coat. Now I take that scene as Han being sarcastic because a lot of humans are scum in the galaxy 15:35 that's pretty much the Holdo maneuver he's talking about 16:37 Rip Bail Organa but they really shot themselves in the foot by doing that. Cause EVERYONE LOVED Bail and immediately joined the rebels after that Dude imagine a death star over earth 20:08 That was actually an accident line. Mark said that but the camera was still going. Had he NEVER said that the joke of Stormtroopers can't aim would have never happened 20:23 the same creature that pulled down wrecker in bad batch a dainoga 24:48 oh believe me he kept up his training. He faught bounty hunters and dragons. He helped the people of tatooine and even the sand people. All the while keeping his cover 26:46 YUP Your absolutely right there 27:50 that smile Haunted Vader after he killed Obiwan. Thinking it was a jedi trick. 31 :47 WEDGE!!!! MY BOY!!!! Sorry for info dumping I just love star wars

Kevin Sharbaugh

The "trench run" was heavily inspired by scenes in the movie "The Dam Busters" (1955) which in turn was based on an actual mission carried out by the RAF 617th bomber squadron during WWII. Flying down narrow valleys, skimming the surface of the reservoirs, to drop bombs designed to skip across the water and take out the dams.


https://youtu.be/T9j7kLG7VK8 I feel like you have to have seen this by now, and in case the link doesn't work, look up “Obi-Wan has PTSD” on YouTube. Such a great video; I think of it every time I watch this movie.

Lucas Chantler

The obiwan show is not as bad as people are making it seem. There’s definitely better SW shows out there but Kenobi is one of those shows that had insanely high expectations and when it didn’t meet them people started trashing it. In my humble opinion it’s an alright show with some S tier moments sprinkled in


You know... Glad you like it 👍

Silas Kane

Whether he watches Kenobi or not was never a question. It's always been on the list. I've got a pretty good read on Primate's taste and I think the show will give us some of the best reaction "moments" we've ever seen from him. Can't wait. 😁

Silas Kane

On the money. It's not my favorite Star Wars show...but it does have some of my favorite individual scenes. 👀

David Norcross III

Yo Primate, forget the negative criticism you heard about the Obi-Wan Kenobi series. I know you are going to like it.

Quinn Sliter

Yeah I feel like mainly the people who didn’t like kenobi have been fans for a very long time and grew up with star wars. I think if you are a newer Star Wars fan you will generally like the kenobi show. Not to say you can’t enjoy it if you grew up a star wars fan, but that seems like it’s a main divide between the 2 stances on the show. I think he will enjoy it!


There is a guy with white hair and a mustache when Vader says "i find your lack of faith disturbing", that person is Yularen who died on the first Death Star.

Culper (Lukas)

During the reaction, I literally said "I cannot wait until he sees Obi-Wan show" because for me, my perspective of this movie is different now. No spoilers, but iykyk.

Culper (Lukas)

Yularen being with Anakin during CW as Admiral and seeing him in Rebels of Colonel of ISB.


Yup rip Yularen even if you were on the empire's side l always liked him

Andrew Clifton

Yea definitely ignore that bs. You got some people out there will just refuse to like it bc it says Disney on it.

Andrew Clifton

I agree bro. And yea @Quinn Sliter, I was born in 82 and grew up on the origonals. I also saw every film from episode 1 on and I absolutely love all the different series. Haven't seen one yet I didn't like. I actually even enjoyed the sequels lol. They may be my least favorite part of Star Wars but I still enjoyed them.

Azazel the Fallen

I view Lukes "attraction" to Leia in EP 4 as more of him being attracted to what she represents Adventure and the opportunity to be the Hero a break from what he considers a dull menial existence.

Sam White

Personally I loved kenobi and boba fett and I cannot wait for someone to watch who runs just as much enjoyment in them as I did. Here’s hoping lol


kenobi has its good moments but boy oh boy does it have alot of problems