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The Bourne Legacy Full Length


Shavin Anganan

Man i hate the new design for Patreon...


After the end of the last movie, when I mentioned that I was looking forward to you seeing this one, I was so torn on whether to tell you that Jason isn't in this movie. It was pretty clear when this one came out (from the trailers and other promotional material) that Legacy was a spin-off of the original trilogy and that Matt Damon wasn't in it, but I know you like to go into these a little blind, so I considered that a spoiler. I only considered telling you because I worried that you having expectations of Damon being in it could cause you to be disappointed with Legacy, when if you take it as its own thing, it's really quite good. Of course, I'm a big Jeremy Renner fan, so I'm a little biased. 😁 I think this movie got some hate when it originally came out because it was seen as a cash grab. To which, I say "so?" The purpose of a studio is to make money. They thought there might be a market to make the Bourne movies into a franchise that went beyond Matt Damon, and I would actually have liked to see them continue to expand on the universe. But ultimately, it was a gamble that didn't pay off for them. In theory, the Mission Impossible movies could outlive Tom Cruise, although he's done so many of them at this point that they're pretty connected, and it may not be possible (pun intended) to continue them with another actor once Tom is done. Anyway, all this to say, I'm glad you were able to enjoy The Bourne Legacy even though you kept expecting Jason to pop up eventually! 😃