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Breaking Bad S2 Ep5 Full Length


Andrew Clifton

Great reaction bro. Skylar is a real pos. Walt is 100% right. I used to sell some things in my youth and we'll use weed as an example. I would buy a qp a week and then front 2 Oz to my 2 guys. At the end of the week they gave me what they owed me and we did it again. If something happened someone had to catch a beating. Whether my guys or the person that ripped them off. Idk about cappin someone but but an ass kicking absolutely. Otherwise no one will respect you. They are in an experimental stage right now though still trying to figure things out. Things about to get super crazy from here on out. Thanks bro.

Dominic D

You're forgetting that the phone situation still hasn't been put to rest, she knows he's bullshitting her even after everything they've been going through and he's still won't just be honest about it, she doesn't know the fugue state was fake but the second phone being directly tied up in it is enough to raise suspicions. It's not that easy to be the bigger person just because he's dying, also taking into account how Marie always needs to portray herself as the victim and center of attention it's only natural for Skylar to resent everyone, even Walt, for treating her perception of things as irrelevant. And yeah smoking pregnant is fucked up, but she did flush most of the pack and said she regretted it, it's easy to say be an adult handle your stress but I think that's an unrealistic way to look at people, everyone has moments of weakness and do things knowing the consequences could be bad, but for Skylar having no outlet to vent her own frustrations and a specter of distrust hanging over her marriage I'm not surprised she gave into the temptation, I think the fact she was able to stop herself after only 3 and half cigs, coming from someone who smokes more than that by mid-afternoon, is impressive and speaks to her strength as well, everyone succumbs to weakness at least a few times, but far less are able to stop themselves spiraling deeper and reverse course, just something to keep in mind. Sorry this is a wordy post but I had to say something since I see the Skylar hate bubbling up, as it always does, some of which is deserved and a lot of which is dramatically overstated and often paints her as nothing more as an obstacle on Walt's hero's journey. Just remember that is not the show we are watching here, the ends don't always justify the means.


nah dawg. you can be as upset as you want with someone. like in full capacity and have every right to be, but the responsibility of a mother to not tarnish their babies growing health with alcohol or cigarettes, etc, is a responsibility that should be upheld no matter what personal issues the woman is going through. it’s one thing to be self destructive consensually and it’s another thing to destroy someone else or even risk someone else’s health because of your own issues. and to make it even worse, it’s her own child. a mother should always sacrifice their own wants or needs for their children. unacceptable. my mom smoked her entire life and i swear when i get next to a cigarette i just want to puff it. just the smell makes me nostalgic. it’s fucked up.