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Creed 2 Full Length


Randee Carreno

Here we go! The last of the Rocky/Creed franchise. I love this movie! The perfect sequel to the first "Creed" movie. Not sure what's planned for the 3rd one, but to me this was the perfect ending to the entire saga. Loved how Rocky told Adonis the story of when he(Rocky) proposed to Adrian when Adonis was getting ready to propose to Bianca. And SURPRISE!!!! Drago is back! This time with his son. That first fight between Adonis and Viktor was brutal. Fun Fact: There was supposed to have been a small fight between Rocky and Ivan Drago at the hospital after Rocky left Adonis' room. It was filmed, but was left out of the final film. I think there's behind the scenes video of that on YouTube. I love how it was Mary Ann(Apollo's wife) that ended up being the one to reach out Rocky by sending him a copy of Bianca's sonogram, and letting him know that Adonis still needs him. Love, love, love the talk between Adonis and Rocky once Rocky got to LA. Loved the training montage. The second fight at the end of the movie is one of my top 5 favorite Rocky/Creed fights. When I first saw this movie i didn't think that Drago was going to throw in towel. There's a great deleted scene(it's on YouTube. Be sure to check it out.) that takes place after the last boxing match with Adonis and Viktor in the locker room. And at the end there's a bit with Rocky and Ivan Drago. The ending for this movie was. It was the perfect way to end the whole series. With Adonis and Bianca bring their absolutely adorable baby daughter to Apollo's grave. That whole bit of dialog from Adonis talking to Apollo was perfect. And then with Rocky going to Vancouver, and is reunited with Robert(Rocky Jr) and finally getting to meet his grandson. Looking forward to seeing what "Creed 3" is going to be about.


“Ain’t no chance you have service out here” I died 😂