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The homie Super Nova wants your guys help choosing his movie for this month!




Ozzie comedian

If you watch jumper, you’ll get to see Anakin And Mace Windu


Plz be Ocean’s Eleven trilogy next for the poll


The fact that Jumper is even keeping up in this vote makes me lose faith in humanity


I love Jumper because it's so much fun but Shutter Island is also a wonderfully written and spectacularly shot film. I wish I could vote for both! I still think you GOTTA see the Hellboy movies as well. I'm loving everything you're doing dude!


I'm sorry but Jumper isn't even close to how good Shutter Island is. Just another level of film making all together


I’m sorry but I just can’t watch Hayden Christensen. He’s a wooden actor, he reduced Darth Vader to a whiny teenager and that’s all I hear when he talks. Haven’t seen anything he’s made since Revenge of the Sith. 🙅🏾‍♀️


That was the writing by George Lucas. That’s why Natalie Portman was reduced to “Anakin you’re breaking my heart!”


You can never go wrong with Martin Scorsese.

Nick Nangle

Jumper is so underrated just because Hayden Christendom is in it


Both great but in the mood for Shutter


I think Prime might like Jumper more though I like Shutter Island way more...

Christian meeks

Ohoho dude I havent seen jumper in a minute.

Mati D.

Shutter Island is an incredible movie.

Mikael Puusaari

Jumper is a kewl but easily forgettable movie that just doesn´t really leave u with a sense of "Wow!" afterwards, I would say the trailer is better than the movie Also I´d like to see Primes reaction on Shutter Island :)


I stg if jumper doesn't win imma lose it been requesting this since October lmao 😂


please add whiplash to your poll

Benjamin K.

Hey so you've probably seen it but if not and you want a good war movie, check out Hacksaw Ridge. I'm sure it'll win any poll